Saturday, January 10, 2015

Slow but Steady Progress in U.S.-Cuban relations
Since President Obama announced a change in United States policy towards Cuba, there has been much written and said about the 'revolutionary' change and its potential immediate effects. Much of the reporting has been breathless, with little perspective, and much of the so-called analysis has been slanted or ideologically motivated. That is not unusual for reports on Cuba. The field is fraught with political minefields, especially in Florida and the right wing-dominated Cuba caucus in the Congress.

However, the change IS highly significant and will eventually bring about major changes in both the United States and in Cuba. Some of those changes will likely be very positive. Others will not. The opening of the Havana regime to change is good. The opening of American minds to the stupidity of our Cold War policies and actions toward Cuba, which continue to this day, also is good. The opening of the Cuban economy to McDonalds and similar U.S.-based corporations may not be.

I had the opportunity of visiting Cuba for several weeks a few years ago. I also have lived in Miami. The two worlds could not be more dissimilar. The rapprochement between the U.S. and Cuba will take many years, and we can only hope that the assumption of friendly relations will be peaceful and good for both nations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Senor Enders: What's the best way for someone like me to visit Cuba?